Welcome to Food Freedom and Lit-up Health!
I'm so excited to share this with you!

Hi! I’m Katie Englund. The founder of the Rebel Wellness Mindful Nutrition Community and certified Mindful Nutrition Mentor.

I’m the type of person who loves to create community around things that are important to me.  Feeling good and living life in my best energy are very important to me.

So when I discovered this revolutionary nutrition mindset/weight loss program, I immediately knew that it was the missing puzzle piece for so many of my fitness clients who struggled to follow the food part of the plan.

I myself have struggled with emotional and compulsive eating. And I’ve swung to the other side of the pendulum where I became so regimented about food that I no longer enjoyed it. And even had begun to fear it. 

I was at that point, in the best shape of my life, but broken when it came to my relationship with food, when Rebel Wellness was born. 

In the past two plus years, I've had the privilege of helping hundreds of women (and a few men) implement this life changing program. 

I’ve had client after client heal their relationship with food and their bodies AND achieve their secret desire goal weight at the same time on this plan. 

I’ve been FULLY enjoying big satisfying meals, while joyfully maintaining my healthiest weight for the past two years on this plan. 

->> I don’t deprive myself of treats. 

->> I treat my body really well. 

->> No more shame or negative self talk around food.

->> And I look forward to continuing to eat this way for life!

I can’t wait to see you reach your goals too! 

It’s possible for you to fully enjoy food while living life at your healthiest weight. I’d love to support you on your way there! 


“I hit another huge milestone today. I started Rebel Wellness on November 5th...six months ago-and I’m officially down 40lbs!!!!

I realized how powerful mindset is, and focused on that hard core over the last six months. It hasn’t been comfortable and there have been some really raw moments but I fully embraced them and am so grateful for the parts that aren’t easy!

I’ve been with the same company for 8 years, and have always been afraid to leave. But by changing my mindset, I set out and went after my dream job and I got it! I’m so excited for all the things I have learned from Rebel Wellness.

Cheers to everyone’s Mindset Magic! It’s in there ladies-even if you don’t believe yet, you will!” -Jes from Seattle 

"Rebel Wellness and the mindful nutrition program we follow has changed my life in dramatic, revolutionary, and inspiring ways!

I have been dieting since childhood and have always struggled with my negative body image and disordered relationship with food. I always believed that deprivation was the only way to lose weight.

When I started mindful nutrition in June 2018 and lost 10 lbs in my first 10 days WITH JOY and without suffering.

This is food freedom and it feels like a revolution!" -Mariel from Seattle (who is now joyfully maintaining her 27lb weight loss with Rebel Wellness more than two years later).

What's included? And how does it work?
It's pretty simple!

->> Purchase your Mindful Nutrition Package (we'll chat about which one is best for you and your goals)

->> You watch the Mindful Nutrition Program Videos. These will take you through each principle of the program, teach you all of our Mindset Tips, Food Groups, Plating Methods, Strategies for Grocery shopping, eating out and more!

->> We get on the phone for a 30 minute one-on-one coaching call after you've watched the videos to help you to fully implement the program so it fits with your life!

->> I add you to my Mindful Nutrition Support group on Facebook. This community is a fantastic resource for recipes and ongoing support.

->> I remain available to answer your questions via text or email until you've reached your goals!
Are you ready to begin?! Let's connect about your questions and your goals. Complete this form here: